
One Day Tomorrow 

Dear Katja, 

I’m glad we all got to meet.  The co-op and the valuable workshops Dr. Dugan taught were pretty amazing. It was great to meet Dr Dugan and finally see what the world offers when you aren’t hating it.

It was a shame about Sarah.  Too bad she couldn’t finish the sessions.  I feel she could have benefited from the session on the final Day.  If she had just let herself stay. She was Dr. Dugan’s favorite patient. I do hope she is safe.

Again, meeting you after all these months of correspondence has been one of the few highlights of fully committing to One Day Tomorrow and the treatment involved.  

Were you expecting such a breakthrough?


Sent from iPhone 2 hours ago 

Subject RE:: One Day Tomorrow 


I’m so sorry it’s been a bit of a crazy week! I’m just now able to return your email.  

In regards to the breakthroughs-

I’ve experienced nothing on this planet that has ever helped as much as what Dr. Dugan did for us.

In regards to Sarah, you are correct.

She missed a valuable opportunity to flesh out unconscious reasons for her depression. I wonder where she is now…


Sent six days ago

Subject:RE: One Day Tomorrow 

I agree with what you say regarding Sarah.

That final night was traumatizing for some- illuminating for those of us fully committed to our treatment plans!

Don’t wonder about Sarah. It’s not up to us, at least for now.

Dr. Dugan would never have let us harm each other or ourselves, and it is safe to say it was a bit of a knee-jerk reaction to something so outstanding!

How is your finger? Lol 

I just remembered that I had to ask.  I hope it is healing nicely,


PS. I didn’t think anyone could bleed that much!

Subject:RE: One Day Tomorrow 


You devil!  Yes, I’m fine.  It only required a few stitches.  The cream Dr. Dugan gave me- it is practically new!

The only thing I am still apprehensive about is going back. It is literally an abandoned mansion in the middle of nowhere.  I guess that was the plan to isolate us.  

It worked.


Subject: RE: RE: One Day Tomorrow

That’s great to hear!

I meant to ask you what you were planning for your recovery story. I have an idea.  I don’t like having to bring all that backup.


Subject RE: RE One Day Tomorrow 


I have only thought about what I’d say since we left.  I still wake up at four in the morning. It is like I can still feel a presence in my room. I know Dr. Dugan says it is my paranoia and demons at it again. As in, my brain doesn’t shut off the worry.  But I don’t have the urge to slice my wrists anymore.  I think that what seemed so bad before, and my life, is no Cinderella story, but at least when he’s angry and hits me, I don’t blame myself; in my mind, it was just a bad dream. I’m glad I left him when I did. I left him on Saturday. I’m staying on my grandmother’s farm, so email is spotty. Email me sometime next week. I should have a better connection.


Subject RE: RE: RE: One Day Tomorrow


It has been a while.  I hope you are okay. I feel like it has been weeks since we spoke. I guess it has. The madness seems to have stayed at bay for now. I wonder what Dr. Dugan would say about my new lease on life since his kind words at the retreat.  

Thank you for the charm you sent me.  It is cool, and exactly like you say in your letter, it looks very ancient.

It has odd properties to it like nothing I have ever seen.  Very pretty, and thanks again.


Subject RE: RE: RE: RE: One Day Tomorrow


Sorry, Mark, but I was confused by your last message.  I didn’t send any charms to you.  Perhaps it was a mistake?

I’m okay with applying some of the doctor’s suggestions, such as taking some quiet time alone and digging into our past traumas. Our breathing exercises count from ten to one.

When you do find out who sent the charm, let me know. I’d like to know who is pretending to me. =) 


RE: RE:RE:RE:RE: One Day Tomorrow


I am sorry. I got a letter in your handwriting saying you would love this. I have been enjoying its healing properties. My wife says it is all a fabrication. Surely, your little joke is meant for humor. I will attach a photo of your little charm.  


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: One Day Tomorrow


I never sent anything to you. Your strange behavior is beyond humor. It is worrisome.

Hope you are okay.


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: One Day Tomorrow

This joke has to stop. I am telling you, you sent me a charm with healing properties. Here is a photo of it.

Take care, my friend.


RE: One Day Tomorrow


I did not send this, but tell me more about its properties. 

I am curious about something.  I think I understand now. What has been going on?


RE: RE: One Day Tomorrow


I was very worried about my wife’s cancer. She put it on, and now she is cancer-free. 

Dr. Dugan wanted us to try new forms of healing, using what we have around us as a source of energy.


RE:RE:RE: One Day Tomorrow


I am not discounting your wife having cancer, but saying you believe that this charm has healing properties and made your wife better is not what I think Dr. Dugan would authorize. Tell me you will still meet at the retreat in two weeks to discuss our progress?!


RE:RE:RE:RE: One Day Tomorrow


Our mutual respect has come to a halt. Please only message me if you realize your statement was utterly heartless in your last message.  Dr. Dugan could have never done what this charm has done for me. 

I expect a sincere apology. And I have yet to make up my mind about the retreat.


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: One Day Tomorrow


I am sorry. I think I may have misspoke. I received a letter from Dr. Dugan and relayed your wonderful news to him. He is very curious about your charm. He thinks you should bring it to the retreat to show off how it has been helping you, and perhaps it can help everyone else learn more about how you have made this a reality for you and your wife.




Katja here. It has been nearly two weeks since I last messaged you. I want to apologize if I said anything offensive to you. I’ll be at the retreat tomorrow. I hope to see you.


Subject: SORRY


I once again apologize to you. Yet, there is something I wanted to tell you. I was at the retreat. Sarah is back. I know she was reluctant to the healing process Dr. Dugan showed us all, and she, too, had a charm. It looked very much like a charm in the photo you sent me.

Please let me know if you are alive. 




There is something I have to tell you. My wife, Cheryl, has left me. I have not wanted to leave my house since finding out she had no longer been in love with me since she was cancer-free. It is like I was living with a different woman. When she left, she took the charm with her. I tried not to lose hope at first, but I guess I am writing to tell you that, as of now, I have no more hope that this life is to offer me anything but pain. I thank you for your friendship. Please do not worry about me. 

Your friendly internet pal,




Please do not do anything stupid! Your life is worth twenty of anyone else’s I know. You have been more of a friend to me than anyone. I am sorry your wife left you, and I’m sorry that she took the stone with her. Most of all, I wanted to tell you I love you so much. I love our conversations these last few years; I love the way you can make me smile even when I am down. I love your stupid cat jokes. Could you call me? This charm is not what you think. Mark, I saw Sarah use it at the retreat on Dr. Dugan. That is what I wanted to tell you. Once she used the charm on him, he was a different person. I was stuck there the whole weekend. Dr. Dugan would not let any of us leave. He became strange and controlling. Only when the new tenants wanted to use the space he had rented for the weekend did I see my escape! Something extraordinary is happening, and I’m unsure who is behind it. There are new Doctors there now. Andrew Thomas is another one. They keep sending me emails since I escaped! I am terrified of what they may try to do next. I am frightened of what that cult may do if they find me or even you! 




My dearest Katja,

I had no idea you felt so about me. I am sorry for whatever mental break you went through since your visit to the retreat. It has been over several weeks since we even spoke via email or anything else. My god, who have you been conversing with? The last communication I received from you was when you told me you could not receive emails because your internet was spotty. I sent two since and received a message saying UNDELIVERABLE.  See?


Your message was not delivered to the intended recipients because the intended recipients. Despite repeated attempts to contact the recipient’s email system, they didn’t respond. 

Contact the recipient by some other means (by phone, for example) and ask them to tell their email admin that it appears that their email system isn’t accepting connection requests from your email system. Give them the error details shown below. It’s likely that the recipient’s email admin is the only one who can fix this problem.

You see? I thought you would email me, and I tried to call, but it told me the number was no longer in use. I also contacted Dr. Dugan, who said he had not seen you at the recent retreat either. I WAS AT THE RECENT RETREAT. Sarah was not there, and neither were you.

Katja, please contact Dr. Dugan. Someone has been playing a severely horrible joke on you. 




I know what I saw. I saw Dr. Dugan after Sarah used that charm on him. Now you are telling me I’m the crazy one?

I can only wish you well, Mark. 

I am not crazy. If you ever want to meet up in person, you have my address and know where to find me.



Dear Mark,

We understand that you have been dealing with some trauma due to harassment from specific individuals. We ask that you remain calm at this time. Remember your breathing exercises: count down 10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2, Breathe in, and breathe out.

The code word today is: Katja

Find and release.

Chief of Staff

Dr. Andrew Thomas, MD.



I was not home when you tried to visit me the other day. I was shocked to see you. It has been at least a year since we have spoken. I think it is best that you do not visit me anymore. If you do, I will call the authorities. The strange RING CAMERA message to me and this photo of your face tells me you are still not well. I am sending this to you as a warning. I am not sure what happened last year at this time. But at the time of my writing this, I have decided to email you and tell you I no longer wish to continue any form of contact with you. After viewing several other videos from the police warning me of your strange behavior, How your wife never existed. I am not sure if Dr. Dugan is to blame for this. I have cut all ties with Dr. Dugan, Sarah, and the rest. When authorities found out who I was being treated by, they told me I was not the first. I would not be the last.  I am hoping for your sake you will read this and find a way to heal.  I am not sure what happened to you or what Dr. Dugan did to you, but I see this when I picture you. Not the friend I once knew.

This photo is what I saw when I got the message from my RING that someone was at my door. 



Dear Katja,

We understand you have been unwell since your last visit with Dr. Dugan. Please extend our deepest apologies. We would love to find a new way to help you heal from your trauma. We hope that the visions you have of loved ones doing terrible things find a way of going away, but unfortunately, they will only continue unless you seek solace with our staff. Please get in touch with Dr. Sarah Woodman. She has been aware of your situation for some time now and is eager to help.

Chief of Staff,

Andrew Thomas MD.

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